
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Unknown

For most of my life I have been secured in a blanket of stability...I know that is what most crave and yearn for and it is what's normal until it isn't anymore. It is normal until you are faced with a situation that may cripple what you have always known and toure faced with what is around the corner, the unknown... How do you get over your gear of the unknown? I would say you pray your way through the situation and pray that the stability you've always known stays in tact but the other side of me would say step out on faith embrace what is your new norm and keep it pushing.Tbats the battle, that's the conflict, that's the problem, and solution all in one. Many people face these same issues and I don't know what their outcomes have been, and frankly I don't know what mine will be but what I do know is that I can face and conquer whatever is designed for me. Being complacent is no longer an option. Sometimes God puts you in a place of being uncomfotable to mo