Walking by Faith

I could tell stories of things in my life that would make the hair on he back of your neck stand on end...but through all the deception, dishonesty, and deceit that I have faced I am thankful for learning to walk by faith...Faith is the only thing that is getting me and has gotten me through. I have faith the size of a mustard seed that a change is right around the corner...I can no longer allow negativity in my life because it takes up the space that I need to focus on becoming a better me. I am tired of being angry and walking around with a chip on my shoulder simply because that has me guarded and I never know what blessing I may miss out or walk away from. Although trusting people to not hurt me is not something I am too familiar with I just have to entrust my faith to get me to and through those situations...I will continue to pray and focus on my Faith because of I have to focus on people for my happiness I wouldn't have continued to be a loss soul....


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