An Expected Release...

     It's been four years since I have posted here and that is entirely too long. I completely forgot about this blog spot and I am so happy I have found it because at this time in my life I need some sort of release. My thoughts and problems are weighing heavy on me and all I can do is try and thing positively and pray my way through....
     I have come to a point in my life where I have made it a habit to put everyone's thoughts and needs before my own, and now I am struggling to find me again. I am struggling to find out what makes me happy because everyone else's happiness has been at the forefront of my life for so long. I want to find out what drives me because I have been a driving force for everyone else, breathing life into their hopes and dreams that I have allowed mine to fall by the wayside. I want to thrive and grow as a person in my own right without interruptions, and although being a wife and mother I know this makes me sound selfish but that is just where I am right now. It hurts me that I feel that way but that is just what it is right now. If I had someone that always put me first at without a second thought as I do for so many others then I guess I wouldn't feel this way.
     I have an expected release and I am patiently waiting...I want to release anything and anyone that is negatively affecting my thought process and my life. I want to release any spirit of procrastination that is in me and does not allow me to accomplish the dreams that are in my thoughts and on my heart. I want to release any trepidation that is standing in my way and allows thoughts in my head that have me thinking that my goals are unachievable. I want to release things that make me comfortable and complacent because stepping into the unknown will shake me up to get the motivation within myself to do the things that I need to do and get me to places that I need to go willingly without the support that I don't have. Sometimes you have to take the encouragement and the congratulations that you don't get and keep it moving.
    I am pushing myself to release anything and anyone in my life that does not allow me to be the best me I can be for myself....


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