When You Feel God Moving

Life can take a turn in matter of seconds sometimes that can be for the best and sometimes that can be for the worse one just never knows....Well I have been a living witness to both and although when it changes for the good yay that is great but when you find yourself dealing with the latter you become so overcome with hurt anger and worry that at times you forget that the first thing you must do is pray....Hello...if you can read this then just know this has happened to me. For years when everything was fine I prayed but just expected that without the work things would remain in my favor...only praying when I felt like something was headed to go wrong or my children were getting out of control or if my marriage had hit a rough patch you know just things like that but only when trouble showed it's ugly head would I find myself on my knees in prayer....not realizing that all the praying and studying that I did when I let go of the worry and allowed for God to move on my behalf was what I needed to remain in the position I was so esteemed to hold. Wow! The realizations you come to when you write things down....man it is mind blowing. As my family and myself find ourselves in a less than desirable situation I must say that prayer and God's words are the only things keeping me sane as we face new challenges day by day. A devotional word here and there from reading plans spiritual music that rocks me to my core and reading the Bible and for some reason every verse I am lead to read is speaking directly to the situations at hand....now if this isn't God tapping me on my shoulder without slapping me in my face then I don't know what is....The only thing I can do is be still and listen...it's scary at first because you feel like you are being singled out like the spotlight is on you and you forgot your lines in front of a live audience...Well this thing called life gives us no dress rehearsals it's always live and you have to take your chances as they come you have to take your moments and live in them and own it....you have to make the best of it all good or bad. No matter where you are what stage of life you are facing we all must remember that God is right there guiding us through. He knows what we need but won't give us what we pray for until we are ready willing and open to receive in the right way....in a way that when he bestows his blessings upon us we are able to handle it to cherish it and to do right by what he has given us....Experience is the best teacher whether we like it or not. I hear you God...I see you.....I feel you....and I accept the challenge of being still and being patient for your work....I am still. Keep moving in my life....Jeep moving in my family....and I will cherish you all the days of my life.


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