
Day Eight

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you had to get something done ,but you were in a place where you felt like you were "under the gun" to get it done? Imagine living your life that way...well at least the last three years. It's no fun. It's like you plan out how you think you would want or how things should go and then the bottom falls out and everything goes completely left and you don't know what to do.....that's me....and it seems like this has been me and my situation for a while now....I'm tired....but I refuse to give up. Life is amazing and I won't let the devil get the best of the only one I have to live. The God I serve is greater than the trials that may come my way. I don't like living under the gun, but I have faith that God wouldn't bring me to it if He has no intention of bringing me through it. I won't complain. I will continue to stay steadfast and humble in His words that will guide me to a life of peace

Day Seven

This weekend I had someone come to me with a form of some type go hear say situation. This is the kind of energy I am running from in my life right now. The sad part was that the person is very close too me and wad adamant that they believed the other person over what I have said to them to be the truth. Now what was I supposed to do with that information.....My character will not allow me to betray people but the sad part I have had people more than once believe that about me and in the end when the truth comes out and I wasn't the person to betray their trust they just expect it to go back to the way it was. Nope not anymore. I am not and will not continue to accept less than I deserve from anyone and I will no longer cheat myself by this type of behavior being in my presence. I deserve the same energy back that I give. I will no longer be the scape goat for people and their dumping syndromes. I will not accept it and if that means severing ties with people that I never thought a

Day Four

I would call this a look of determination, mixed with fear and a built in hustle. This year I want to become the best version of myself, not as a New Year's resolution but as a way of life. I can not and will not settle for indecisive behavior, nor will I settle for mediocrity. I want better. I want to be able to live a life of stability and functionality by any means necessary. None of these things will come to pass without sheer determination and God's grace. I know He will provide all of my needs and the guidance I need to get where I want to be. Too many times as women we make sure that everything and everyone around us is taken care at the expense of our own well being. This year is the year of self care and wellness, mental wellness, spiritual wellness, and being healthy in every aspect of the word. It's time to take a stand and not feel guilty every time we have to take some time and get ourselves together. My peace is cooking and constantly praying and talking to

Day Three

No one knows the hurt of feeling used and abused by your family. The ones closest to you know how to push your buttons and take you to levels you try and avoid. I am there. I ask and pray daily for God to bring me to higher levels, so I also know that reverting to old ways, thoughts, and actions won't get me there. Does it hurt yes, am I human yes, will I give in HELL NO.....I will not allow myself to be defeated by pure pettiness. Sometimes you have to meet people where they are and leave them right where they stand. Insanity is repeating the same actions the exact same way and expecting a different outcome.....don't order my straight jacket just yet. I won't allow anyone to have that kind of power over me and where God is taking me ever again. Taking and owning my power back. Emotional abuse and blackmail don't live here anymore. If you give people that aren't worthy the power over your life and emotions they will take it and not use it for good and in the end the

Day Two

Father God we come to you praising you for who you are which is Good Almighty for we know all things are made possible through your grace and mercy. Lord we come to you asking to remove all remnants of a defeated and poor season that we were in in 2018 and to replace this season with more of you, and a greater abundance that only you can provide. Lord we ask that you remove all worry and doubt that the devil may try and plague us with and replace it with peace and fulfillment of knowing that you can over turn any and every obstacle that he may place in our path....Lord we call on you because there is no other name we know.....Lord we praise you for everything you have done and is yet to do in our lives....We want to live in your light your son Jesus name we pray......AMEN I will not be defeated....I will not have a spirit of being defeated. Greater things will happen and I claim them regardless of what man says. God has the final say! You know in life you have to choose wi

Day One of 2019

Lord I know that there is something greater in this year for myself and my family. Abundance is the word for this year. Nothing comes to me but by you and your grace and mercy. I will be 40 this year and my last child will be graduating high school and there is going to be a new chapter beginning for myself and my husband. I am ready. I was a young mother and I basically grew up with my children and the fact that all of them will have graduated is a major accomplishment for my husband and myself. We are blessed. On the road to breaking generational curses. Blogging more is in my future. So I hope you all are with me on the ride of this new chapter that began today. I hope it's a page turner.

For the Sake of Mediocrity

I fell in love many years ago and for that I paid the price of Mediocrity at my own expense. For the Sake of Mediocrity I paid the price of greatness at my own expense. So how do I turn that around? When you can't sleep at night because the dreams greatness wake you at every turn, they disturb your peace, they light a fire in you that no one can extinguish and because people may not understand where you are coming from or understand where you want to go you dream in color and in silence. Mediocrity is not meant for me and I take absolutely nothing away from those that find a comfort in it, but God has so much more in store for me. Do I go? Do I go alone? Life is all about learning that some journeys you have to take alone. Do you sacrifice this love you've had for many years for the Sake of greatness? The only person that can answer this is me....I have all the questions but none of the answers. I pray nightly for guidance and direction and I guess when the answer comes it will