Day Seven

This weekend I had someone come to me with a form of some type go hear say situation. This is the kind of energy I am running from in my life right now. The sad part was that the person is very close too me and wad adamant that they believed the other person over what I have said to them to be the truth. Now what was I supposed to do with that information.....My character will not allow me to betray people but the sad part I have had people more than once believe that about me and in the end when the truth comes out and I wasn't the person to betray their trust they just expect it to go back to the way it was. Nope not anymore. I am not and will not continue to accept less than I deserve from anyone and I will no longer cheat myself by this type of behavior being in my presence. I deserve the same energy back that I give. I will no longer be the scape goat for people and their dumping syndromes. I will not accept it and if that means severing ties with people that I never thought about not having in my life then so be it. I refuse to sacrifice my well being anymore. Self love is the best love and by God's grace those people will be removed without me even having to do it myself. He works on my behalf, and He knows what I need before I know I need it for myself. Never allow people to come into your life an change what you know to be true about yourself. Never allow anyone to water you down for their own nourishment, and leave you drained and unfulfilled. You lose in the end, my God and my talents will not allow me to be a loser....Neither should you. 


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