Day Three

No one knows the hurt of feeling used and abused by your family. The ones closest to you know how to push your buttons and take you to levels you try and avoid. I am there. I ask and pray daily for God to bring me to higher levels, so I also know that reverting to old ways, thoughts, and actions won't get me there. Does it hurt yes, am I human yes, will I give in HELL NO.....I will not allow myself to be defeated by pure pettiness. Sometimes you have to meet people where they are and leave them right where they stand. Insanity is repeating the same actions the exact same way and expecting a different outcome.....don't order my straight jacket just yet. I won't allow anyone to have that kind of power over me and where God is taking me ever again. Taking and owning my power back. Emotional abuse and blackmail don't live here anymore. If you give people that aren't worthy the power over your life and emotions they will take it and not use it for good and in the end they are resting peacefully while you are worried, and scarred behind the sack of emotional garbage they have left at your feet.  Well everyday is trash day from here on out. Call me the clean up woman in a good's not happening today or any other day....Living lighter.


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